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COVID-19 and Your Privacy

Ways to keep your credit secure, plus staying aware of identity theft during the Coronavirus pandemic

The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic is affecting all of us in many ways. With so much uncertainty, it can be hard to find answers, solutions, or even just a little help. PrivacyGuard® has analyzed the current situation as it relates to the important topics that we think our valued members would want to know more about. We are working hard to continue to bring you information to help you stay informed and protected.

Working from Home, Distance Learning & Zoom Bombing

With the growing number of stay-at-home orders sweeping across the nation, more and more Americans are staying safe by staying away. We are working from home, distance learning for school, and trying to stay social while practicing social distancing. Zoom Video Conference has become incredibly popular as the platform that many are starting to use. However, the sudden rise in the video chat platform has led to some big issues for those connecting. From “Zoom Bombing,” when an uninvited guest disrupts your meeting (often with crude and vulgar content), to Zoom privacy and encryption, PrivacyGuard suggests being aware of potential issues while chatting and to continue to keep private and sensitive information off and unseen on the video conference platform.

Learn more:
Forbes:  Zoom Privacy
Business Insider:  Video Conferencing

Stimulus Checks

Many Americans will qualify to receive a check in varying amounts from the US Government. But if you get a phone call, text, social media message or an email asking for you to provide private and sensitive information in order to get a check…think twice! Often posing as a government official, fraudsters will seek out your private information. You will not need to provide any payment so keep your credit card and bank account information to yourself.

Learn more:
CNN:  Stimulus Check Scams
Newsweek:  Stimulus Online Scams

Credit and Deferred Payments

During this unprecedented time, it may be increasingly difficult to not only pay your bills on time but pay them at all. With missed payments, credit scores can take a serious hit. Checking your credit report regularly can help you not only monitor your scores in the case of missed or late payments, but also can help you identify potentially fraudulent activity and respond to it before it causes significant damage to your credit history and scores. Experts are also suggesting to contact credit card issuers, lenders, and your bank to discuss possible options. Deferring payments can be one of those options, which is a mutually agreed upon method to continue paying your bills, but in a manner that may be more comfortable to you.

Learn more:
CNBC:  Credit Monitoring, National Emergency
Money:  Credit Scores & Coronavirus
Business Insider:  How to Defer Payments

PrivacyGuard offers members 24/7 triple-bureau credit monitoring, and monthly triple-bureau credit reports. If you currently are a PrivacyGuard member with credit score benefits, we urge you to log in to your account and be vigilant about checking your report as soon as your next one(s) are available.

Friends, please be careful and courteous during this global pandemic. Remind your friends and family to practice social distancing, wash hands thoroughly and often, and stay home if you feel ill in any way – then seek treatment if appropriate. We at PrivacyGuard know that your “privacy is personal:” the only thing more personal is your health.